Today marks 2 weeks in which the whole family has been eating a strictly planet based diet. It's been a interesting 2 weeks. Here's what I've learned.
1. Being vegan does NOT mean you eat healthy. I'm frustrated almost daily by the lack of healthy vegan recipes that are available. Grocery shopping is not pretty. Milk in some form or another is in almost all products and those that are 'vegan' are filled with artificial crap.
2. Be honest with your kids. Cliff and I sat down with both Caleb and Keegan and explained why it was that we decided to eat only planet based foods now. While they are only 5 and 6 they still understood when we told them that eating meat from animals as well as milk and eggs isn't good for our bodies and can make us sick when we are older. For being 2 VERY picky eaters they have both been very open to trying all the new things we are eating and they are the first ones to ask if something is vegan or not before putting it in their mouths.
3. Just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean you stop liking the way it tastes. Cliff, the ultimate meat fan, has been so supportive in this new lifestyle. I know each night when we sit down for dinner that he'd rather there be a steak in front of him instead of a quinoa loaf. That's not to say he isn't liking the meals, just that he'd rather it still be meat. Although we've both taken the time to educate ourselves as much as possible about the effects of animal protein on our bodies and while we both like the taste of meat, neither of us will ever put a bite of it in our mouths again.
4. The beginning of a journey is usually the hardest and this is no exception. Between the lack of healthy vegan recipes and the limits imposed by my family of picky eaters I have yet to stock pile a bunch of go to recipes. I also haven't found my stride. Each night it still takes me a good 30 minutes to prepare dinner. When we were eating clean I could get dinner on the table in 15 minutes and some night, when I had no time, I could throw together a grilled cheese and be done. Not anymore. My goal for the next 2 weeks is to find some easy, quick and tasty meals that I can throw together in 15 minutes or less.
5. I LOVE BEING VEGAN! I've never had issues with my skin but now it's practically glowing. I wake up with more energy. I'm not constantly hungry throughout the day and I feel lighter after eating. The changes in my husband have been just as great. He's lost a bunch of weight, he's in a better mood, has more energy and stressful situations seem not to bother him anymore.
While the last 2 weeks have been hard and a lot of work - I wouldn't change it for the world. I know as time goes on that it will get easier. I'll discover my recipes and things will start to get easier and quicker. Now I'm off to have a great breakfast, have fun with my kids and celebrate 7 wonderful years being married to my soulmate.
I just found your blog and I must say that it's great to read someone else's story. My husband and I decided to go vegetarian [and are moving towards vegan now] because of the health benefits. We've been vegetarians for 6 years now and I will tell you that after 2 or 3 your body wont even crave meat. The first year is the hardest but after that it's a great experience and adventure of new foods and recipes. I cannot believe all of the foods we missed out on before changing our eating habits! Good luck on your journey and stay strong :)