Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why didn't I do this sooner!

Why didn't I go vegan sooner?! I asked myself that same question shortly after I started eating clean.  But really I know the answer.  I have this stereotype in my head of vegans.  I'll spare you the details but it's not flattering.  And as much as I get the 'look' when I tell people my family eats 'clean', I still wasn't prepared for the look I would get when I told people I was vegan.  And not just a vegan!  A clean eating vegan.  Because as I found out, being vegan doesn't mean you are healthy.  Have you ever looked at the ingredients in the fake vegan meat that is out there.  You might as well just eat regular meat!  Although I know that not everyone that becomes a vegan does so because they want to be healthy.  A large majority do so for ethical reasons and don't care if they eat artificial sugar as long as it doesn't harm animals in the making of it.

Tonight was our first fail night.  I made whole wheat organic pasta and topped it with a 'cream sauce'.  The cream sauce consisted of avocado, garlic, olive oil, salt and lemon juice.  I didn't hate it and could have eaten it but honestly the salad I made was better so I went with that.  Caleb did eat it all.  But I think that was mostly because he wanted dessert.  Keegan had one bite and wouldn't touch it.  Cliff had a small amount and then made peanut butter toast.  Oh well.  As Cliff and I like to say - They can't all be winners.

Tomorrow is the kids first full day of workshop and I'm literally without ideas as to what to pack in their lunch.  I can't imagine how hard this would be if we didn't homeschool.  At least their workshop classes are only 1 day a week.

Which reminds me, I better get off to bed since I have to get up early to pack a lunch for which I have no idea what to put in it!


  1. I'm not vegan but I do love this blog and she has fantastic recipes :)

  2. I loved your blog when it was about clean eating and I look forward to reading about your experiences as a vegan! I have flirted with the idea and even went raw vegan for a few months a few years ago. It was hard for me to maintain even though I felt great and I eventually fell off the wagon. I'm sure in all of your reading and research you've come across a lot on raw foods and the amazing ability eating raw has to heal the body! Also green smoothies! If not, look it up because it's amazing! I wish you the best with your health and think your family is awesome for being so supportive! I will continue to read about your progress with great enthusiasm!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. spunkysuzi - I've actually been a fan of that blog for some time now. It's one of the few vegan blogs that is health focused. As I've been learning over the last few weeks, being vegan doesn't equal being healthy!

    sevimel - I definitely looked into the raw movement. I think if it were just me that I could pretty easily go raw. But with a husband and kids to feed it's just not doable without making separate meals for me and them. For the most part though all my meals besides dinner are raw. Oh and green smoothies rock! :)
